How do I know which Galloping Digital Products are for me?
  1. Our website is divided into sections based on each service and product we offer. Take a minute and tour which sections catch your attention. If you have questions our site doesn’t cover, please let us know here! We value being able to customize and connect with members of the equestrian community! 
I’m interested in using Equine E-Sign but how do I know it is legally secure?

Thank you for your interest. You can read our full legal licenses that allow us to offer this solution legally and safely here

I ordered my Care-It Card, but have not received it, what are my options?

Each Care-It Card order is confirmed with a tracking number once ordered. While our services target 24-hour shipping.

I am building my equestrian brand but I am in the early stages of the process, where should I start?

First off, we are glad you are here in your journey. A great place to start is by looking at our Equestrian Websites and our Geo Promo sections. During that design process it is natural to pose questions regarding what is most important for you to present and how best to reach the right audience for you. Whether you are a junior rider, a professional trainer, breeder, farrier or shipper we are here to help customize how you present your business or brand to the rest of the world.

I have an idea for Galloping Digital, how can I connect?

You can contact us here. Also, give us a follow on social media!

I don’t see what I’m looking for here, are there any other resources I can access to help with my questions?

A great place to start is our blog section. Here we update and add blogs that capture the pulse of the equestrian community from leasing topics, to legal and business topics specific to the equestrian world.